Due to a lack of resources WebHistory will operate only per demo-request. You'll see the last functional state below without it actually being functional, as operating a Database server for such amounts of data costs quite a bit of money to maintain and we got zero backing.

entries in our Database
WebHistory alpha 0.6 Features and Data incomplete Infrastructure incomplete

Realtime Search Results

About WebHistory

This website aims at improving Webserver security and serves as yet another OSINT source, data that may have be changed already, to hopefully become a valuable tool for Cybersecurity professionals.

About Speed & Alpha Status

Hi, I'm a Website. I was born in January 2024. That means, I'm pretty young and can't do everything right, or - right away. I'm still learning - you can watch me learning, notice the Estimated entries right on top. If this value is rising, be it fast or slowly, it means I'm aggregating data, which takes a lot of my limited resources and makes all operations much slower than usual. At times I'm not learning, then you can get a glimps at what I can do.

Howto: Quick Demo

If you don't RTFM, read at least this. Try the following settings:


Set to Domain


  • Individual - On
  • Other Switches - Off

Text fields

  • Server Type: apache
  • Server Version: 2.4.9

This should return:

Found: 50 result(s).
Duration: 0.562s

Use the tool as intended

Our tool is made for good intends and purposes: RedTeaming, Pentesting and OSINT.

Searches with good intent will be fast!

Search Options and Speed

While we provide very long timeout limits, to support any type of custom search, knowing a few things about our search tool can improve your results, and search duration, a lot.

Fastest Searches

Full Domain or IP searches

Searching for a full domain or IP should be rather instant. You then can try to add more options, one by one. Don't add www or subdomains in front. Don't use CIDR ranges.

Domain Regex

Just as fast is the Domain regex - it's called like that, but it's rather a full word search. Domains and URLs are tokenized by real, human words - e.g. dog, eye, jump, ... this search will be fast and work well. On the other hand, due to the amounts of data, we don't support real regex right now and discourage the use of complex terms (in the Domain field). This may or may not be supported later. For now: Use full words on Domains only!

IP Regex

We don't support CIDR ranges. Instead, you can just enter the beginning of an IP. Set the Dropdown to IP enter:

IP: 52.106.

You don't have to add the second dot, but it helps to make the "range" more precise - consider using a number like 13.10 without a second dot, and what possible IPV4 addresses it might fit. Also enable the Regex Switch and hit search.

Help - It takes forever, no matter what I search!

You likely had regex, two switches, the server field and a date set, while you didn't RTFM.

But I did all the Manual said and it still times out

Your search is likely too broad or too narrow. When there are too many results, for regex terms like google or youtube, or when there are no results at all, you won't find what you need. Sorry.


  • Regex - this enables regex for the main search field (IP / Domain)
  • Cookie - will find sites that send a Set-Cookie Header
  • Server - limits results to sites using the Server Header
  • Individual - only show one entry of each IP or Domain
  • X-Header - look for custom headers, like X-Forwarded-For

Turn off Switches your don't need

When you fill the Server text field, turn off the Server switch. The Server switch is a separate boolean field, to make a fast search and narrow down on results, that do have a Server header in the first place. The Server text field is an independent field and will be searched anyway, no matter if the switch is on or off.

Switches are boolean

Know that switches are boolean while fields are text match or regex searches, thus fields put a lot more strain on the Database - except for the "Individual" switch.


  • Server - Find terms within the Server HTTP header. It's always regex, case sensitive.Ever heard of: "Pepyaka/1.19.10"?
  • Date - limits the age of the documents, try beginning of a year, e.g. 01.01.2023.


Internally we use 3 different ways of searching atm, depending on the parameter choice on the frontend. In the future we may expose these ways and let the user decide, not only which type of search to use, but also decide the timeout for the search within a range.

Depending on the final performance, once most if not all data is in the DB, we may also add other means like a caching DB or scale horizontally using sharding techniques, additional search indices, etc. A realtime crawler adding more DNS data is also finished half way through.

Server versions

Not all webservers are the same - we estimated from our data that in the last 5 years there were more than 10.000 different servers and versions used on the Internet. Often times, these webservers have vulnerabilities but are never updated - searching for Apache/2.4.10.* will easily break our current limit of 10.000 results (not all data is online yet).

Banner Known Vulns / CVE
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.10 and earlier Shellshock (CVE-2014-6271)
Apache Struts 2.3.5 - 2.3.31, 2.5 - 2.5.10 Apache Struts Remote Code Execution (CVE-2017-5638)
nginx 1.5.0 - 1.5.13, 1.4.0 - 1.4.7 Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160) in OpenSSL
Drupal 7.x, 8.x Drupalgeddon2 (CVE-2018-7600)
Microsoft IIS 10.0 Remote Code Execution in IIS (CVE-2019-0708)
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010-2019 ProxyLogon (CVE-2021-26855, CVE-2021-27065)
Apache Log4j 2.x < 2.15.0 Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228)
WordPress < 5.8.3 SQL Injection (CVE-2023-XXXX)
Apache-Coyote/1.1 Multiple vulnerabilities
Abyss/2.11.1-X2-Win32 AbyssLib/2.11 Buffer overflows, XSS
AOLserver/4.5.1 Buffer overflows, script injection
Caddy HTTPS misconfigurations, MiTM attacks
Cherokee Denial of service vulnerabilities
AppleHttpServer/2f080fc0 Potential undiscovered vulnerabilities
Ahs/5.x Lesser-known, delayed patching
AkamaiGHost Potential leverage in DDoS attacks
Barracuda/3.0.20 Remote code execution, denial of service
BaseHTTP/0.3 Python/2.6.6 Multiple security limitations
ATS/3.0.4 Buffer overflow, denial of service
EZproxy Unauthorized access risks
EdgePrism/ Complex configurations, vulnerabilities
squid/2.5.STABLE10 Buffer overflows, access control issues
openresty/ Inherits nginx vulnerabilities
nginx/www10 Requires regular updates
node/v9.2.0 Remote code execution, denial of service
osiris4 4.8.7189-devel Lesser-known, delayed patching
pump.io/3.0.1 Data exposure, denial of service
sendfaster-edge/1.10.3 Data caching and distribution vulnerabilities
rackcorp/3.0 Configuration and custom deployment issues
BigIP Don't even know where to start XD